The purpose of the project is to make a photographic document of the Pudding Brook from its origins north of the A4 between Corsham and Chippenham to where it enters the River Avon south of Chippenham. The project begins with the recces, a series of preliminary expeditions.
The Recces
The recces are explorations along the Pudding Brook to raise questions regarding a possible source, to assess contributing streams and significant points e.g. where the brook flows under the main railway line and where it emerges on the other side, and to connect the information on the O.S map with the actuality of the land, bearing in mind the changes that have taken place since the map was published in 1998.
The order of the recces is dictated by the knowledge that developments are scheduled to take place on land near to the Pudding Brook and roadworks are underway on the A350 which crosses the brook near Chequers roundabout. These stretches will be given priority.
Resources used include OS map Explorer 156 unless otherwise stated, historical maps, word of mouth. For most of the time we are walking along footpaths or with the farmer's permission.